
FarsiSara® develops and operates a database of online Persian literature site serving the research needs of scholars, professors, and departments of Middle and Near Eastern studies in North America and Europe.

Founded and launched in 2001, FarsiSara® integrates reviewed and corrected literature from over 35 poets and mystics along with an interactive dictionary with Persian-to-Persian, Persian-to-English, and English-to-Persian capabilities. FarsiSara® also incorporates a unique search-in-Persian option that circumvents the oft-encountered problem of transliteration and various spellings that result from it.

Detailed List of Our Services:

  • Poets: This service incorporates over 35 poets of various eras based on their name. All other than Hafez require registration.

  •  Poem Style: This section allows you to search on the basis of the style of poem, i.e. Ghazal, Qasidah, Do-Baiti. This service is particularly helpful with regards to less common styles such as Tarji'-Band, Mustazad, Mukhammas, Murabba', etc. when used for demonstration or teaching purposes.

  • Dictionary: This section has our comprehensive 120,000-entry Persian-to-Persian dictionary that to our knowledge is unique to FarsiSara, in that it utilizes our search-in-Persian feature. In addition, our Persian-to-English and English to Persian dictionaries have over 40,000 entries each.

  • Books: Imagine having just added over 55 books to your personal library! Many of the old Persian books do not have an "appendix" or an "index," hence making the job of the researcher tedious. Our Search-in-Persian option allows navigation through these books all at once. This section also allows for reading each book from cover to cover.

  • Persian Names: The Names section of FarsiSara is a service we offer for free, so that you can search in over 90,000 names from Persian, Arabic, Turkish, and French origins that are commonly used amongst the Iranians. You may choose the letter(s) with which the names begin or ones that the names contain.

The FarsiSara® online service simplifies the way scholars and enthusiasts alike find and use their desired literature, poem, or prose, helping them to minimize the valuable time often spent in old Persian texts that often do not have a table of contents or an index. FarsiSara® is committed to the advancement of research and publication in the field of Persian literature and believes that time spent in synthesis rather than data collection is the key to the contribution of scholars and graduate students to this field. FarsiSara® is also open to adding more options and literature to its site in an attempt to foster the most user-friendly environment.

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Email us at webmaster@Farsisara.com


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